
The Way to Independence to be reprinted

Coming in May: The Way to Independence: Memories of a Hidatsa Indian Family, 1840-1920 will again be available from the Minnesota Historical Society Press. This classic book has been out of print for decades. Originally intended as a companion book to a nationally touring exhibit, 

“The Tinker and the Timestream” in Analog

The Taghrib Colony had existed for almost two hundred years, and all that time it had been waiting to die. Then one night Rustem, tinker of Biskra, discovered a nova in the sky…. See the March/April 2023 issue of Analog for this story of an 

“Exile’s End” at

Rue Savenga’s quiet life as an art curator on the planet Sarona is shattered when a young man comes into her office with an impossible story. That meeting sets off an interplanetary feud in which heritage, cultural patrimony, and the shadow of an old injustice threaten everything Rue believes in. Click on the title below.